Steven Perry

Steven Perry
Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Pastor Steven Perry is the son of Deacon Steven Anthony King and the late Ms. Sheila Perry. He was saved and baptized at First Union Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Willie E. McDaniels.
At an early age, it was evident he was called because of his quick understanding of scripture and love for the church. Later on, Pastor Steve was a disciple at Refuge Temple COGIC under the Supt. Waverly B. Bumbrey Sr.
During his time at Refuge Temple, he was the Vice-Chair of the church Youth Ministry and Served as his High School Christian Club President and he brought 10 other Christian Clubs into Detroit Public Schools Christian Clubs United.
He graduated from Murray-Wright High School in June of 2001. He joined the United States Army 10 days after high school and served faithfully 5 years active duty and 2 years reserved time. In 2003, He was deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom and served with the 4th Infantry Division which was the unit credited with the capture of Sadaam Hussein.
He had several awards and many jobs. But, is most proud of his time as an infantry squad leader and certified Army Instructor and Trainer where he was able to mentor infantry soldiers and to help them become better soldiers and people.
In 2007, he started his first church in Detroit and other churches throughout the State of Michigan. Pastor Steve is widely known as a church planter, church networker, church recruiter, and administrator.
In March of 2015, he finished a 3 year Associates Degree in Business from ITT Technical Institute in Wyoming, Michigan. He is also an author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur.
Recently, he has planted another church called Word Encounter Church which was started on Easter of 2019.
Pastor Steven is happily married to the love of his life Dr. Tiarra Perry.